Looksmaxxing 101 – Boost Your Glow-Up

Looksmaxxing is a trend that has been making waves on social media for quite some time – even though “quite some time” and “social media” in the same sentence feels like an oxymoron, like burning ice or objective opinions. Starting from the surface with tips and tricks to enhance your aesthetic appeal, it places emphasis on making us feel better about ourselves. 
It’s not about changing who you are but polishing the diamond you already are and might be hiding.



It’s playing to your strengths; working with what you have to get what you want, and it covers all areas: physical, mental, and emotional. It’s the evolution of “getting in shape” but applied to every aspect of your life: 

  • The positive side is that it’s all about small, affordable, and accessible micro-changes that, over time, have a noticeable impact on your image and confidence. 

  • The downside is that, as with anything, it can get a bit corrupted: self-help gurus selling courses, toxic forums promoting body dysmorphia, magazines suggesting you should aspire to Henry Cavill’s physique… 

But originally, it’s not about competing or comparing yourself; it’s about improving micro-habits to take care of yourself. Everyone starts from their own baseline, and the key is to choose yours. Here are some starting points that, once established, will likely “go viral” and expand to other areas of your life. Just pick the one that feels easiest or most appealing to you: 


  • Skin care: Obviously, with Siwon as our brand, this part couldn’t be left out. A solid daily routine of cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and sunscreen – like this one – makes you look fresher, more awake, energetic… and attractive. If the face is the mirror of the soul, a good daily skincare routine (less than 30 seconds a day) gives your soul and mood a treat.

  • Grooming and hygiene: This includes going, at least once, to a professional barber for advice on the best haircut and beard style for your face shape. From there, you can maintain it yourself but knowing exactly why you’re asking for more than “short on the sides and scissors on top.” This also includes dental hygiene, nail care, and overall body scent management… top to bottom. 

  • Fitness: It’s not just about building muscle but finding an activity that makes you feel and look good. Fitness improves your shape, stamina, health, and energy. This also includes posture correction and stretches to maintain a straight back, aligned shoulders, and lifted chin… not just to improve your appearance but your overall body language.

  • Nutrition: Again, it’s not about becoming a nutrition expert but learning the basics to ensure your body gets all the nutrients (and/or supplements) to feel and look its best every day, in every season. Water, sunshine (or Vitamin D), minerals – just good stuff. 

  • Fashion and personal style: From understanding which colors suit you to choosing clothes that highlight your best features. Fashion is a powerful tool, and with a little guidance, you don’t need to break the bank – just know how to mix and match a few key pieces.

  • Sleep and recovery: Sleep quality is climbing up the priority ladder, and alongside it, we include all the practices necessary for your body and mind to recharge “in a nourishing way.” Spoiler: endlessly scrolling, despite the dopamine rush, isn’t one of them. 

  • Personal growth and self-connection: This is about spending quality, present time with yourself. Guarded and sacred, like a national park. Whether it’s through meditation, journaling, developing a hobby, reading, or simply talking to yourself… 



All these aspects of looksmaxxing (and others left out to avoid getting eternal) are tools to enhance your attractiveness. But the ultimate goal of looksmaxxing is to increase your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness in the skin you live in. 

Yes, self-esteem can (and should) be cultivated independently of these habits. You can read books, take courses, or work on it with a therapist… or you can build it through looksmaxxing. 

Because you start with something simple, like washing your face daily, and you see results. Then you’re motivated to eat better, then to walk daily… and before you know it, you’re stacking positive habits and gains that improve your appearance, health, and well-being – and, without realizing it, your confidence grows, slowly but surely. 

Because (self-)confidence is demonstrated through action. 

This week’s blog is sponsored by our daily looksmaxxing ritual for your face: our Morning Glory pack with cleanser, moisturizer, and exfoliator for a face
that’ll conquer the day, the week, and all the seasons to come.