🧚🏽‍♂️Sun Myths Busted – Don't Get Burned!

Just like any top-tier cosmetics brand, with the arrival of sunny weather, it’s time for our usual chat about sunscreens. Talking about "sun exposure safety recommendations" is a bit of a snooze, so we’ve decided to bust some common myths you’ve probably believed since you were a kid 😜

Before We Dive In: The Basics of Sun Exposure

The sun is awesome! It’s cool and gives your body and mind a boost if you catch about 10-15 minutes of rays, three times a week. Just a bit on your arms while you’re out for a walk or chilling at a café is enough. But if your mum used to lather you in sunscreen until you slipped off the inflatable, it was for a good reason. Along with all the good stuff, the sun’s got two types of rays that are... #notgreat:

  • UVA – A for aging; they make you look like you’ve got an extra decade. 
  • UVB – B for burn; they’ll roast you like a Sunday joint.

Let’s start busting those myths about sunscreens.


Myth 1: If the cream says SPF, you’re sorted from the sun 🙅🏽‍♀️

SPF only means protection from UVB rays, not UVA. To get UVA protection too, look for ‘broad spectrum protection’ on the label.


Myth 2: SPF 15 is for tanning, and SPF 50 is if you’re super pale 🙅🏽‍♀️


The SPF number tells you how much ‘extra’ time you can spend in the sun without burning, no matter your skin type. For example:

  • If you burn in 5 minutes, SPF 30 means you’ll last 5 x 30 = 150 minutes.
  • If you burn in 30 minutes, SPF 30 gives you 30 x 30 = 900 minutes. 
  • If you’re really into skincare, you’d go for SPF 50 without worrying about your skin tone.
  • If you’re a dermatologist, you wouldn’t recommend less than SPF 30 to anyone, ever.
  • IIf you’re a regular person... well, we all cut corners sometimes (especially in summer).


Myth 3: Natural filters are more eco-friendly 🙅🏽‍♀️

To shield you from the sun, sunscreens use ‘filters’, which are basically ‘shields’ that come in two types:
  • Physical, organic, or ‘natural’ filters, like minerals. They usually leave a white cast, are thicker, and sting your eyes if they get in.
  • To avoid that white look, some brands use ‘nano particles’ with physical filters… but marine life isn’t a fan.
  • Chemical or lab-made filters. These don’t leave a white cast and are less sticky... but can irritate sensitive skin.
  • Some, like oxybenzone or octinoxate, have been banned in places like Hawaii since 2018. So:
    • Some ‘natural’ and chemical filters are bad for the environment.
    • Other ‘natural’ and chemical filters are eco-friendly and good for your skin.


Myth 4: If I put on SPF 50, I’m good to go all day 🙅🏽‍♀️

If you lived in a lab, maybe. For the rest of us, not so much. For a product to be labelled SPF 50, brands have to pay a lot for tests by an independent lab. This lab tests the cream on a few people (like 5 to 10) and checks if it lets you stay in the sun 50 times longer without burning. But in a lab:

  • You’re not in the water all day.
  • You’re not sweating.
  • You’re not moving around.
  • You’re not touching your face... 
And that NEVER happens in real life. So it’s better to reapply (brands say every 2 hours… but if you do it at least twice a day, you’re already doing great).

Myth 5: All sunscreens are greasy and sticky...

Well… we can’t lie about that. Science has come a LONG way and they’re nothing like the oily mess our mums used. But in terms of texture, there’s still room to improve. Our go-to? Handsomefyer SPF 50. It gives you an instant summer glow, hides imperfections, and has treatment properties… so you’re less likely to skip it when heading out. Plus, it sneaks in the SPF protection your lovely face deserves. Enjoy your sunny adventures!


P.S: For a cheeky plug, our Handsomefyer Sun has SPF 50 broad spectrum and combines physical and chemical filters to protect you without making your face look like your granny’s wallpaper. And no fish or coral were harmed in the making of it.